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Maple Grove Primary School

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We take every aspect of school life seriously and have policies to ensure the safety and well-being of all our children, environment, and staff. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you have any questions or concerns about these policies, please don't hesitate to ask the school office, who will be happy to provide you with any information you need.


Attendance policy 

Child Protection Policy

Online Safety

Intimate care 

Positive behaviour  

Anti Bullying

Reducing the Need for Restrictive Interventions

Parents' code of conduct 

Curriculum Policies

Curriculum Worship

Home school agreement


Remote Online Teaching and Learning

Collective Worship 

Phonics and early reading


Privacy Notice - Parents and Carers 

Data protection policy

Data Security policy 

Freedom of Information Scheme

SEND-related Policies

These can be found in the SEND section of our website, which can be accessed by clicking here.

Whole School Policies

Communication policy 

Drop-off and collections - under review

Exclusion statement

Heath and safety policy

Parents and career code of conduct - under review

Parents and carers use social media


Complaints Policy Occasionally, children, parents and others connected with the academy will become aware of matters that cause them concern. To ensure that these matters are resolved effectively, the Governors have adopted a complaint procedure. In the first instance, we would ask that parents and carers make an appointment with their child's class teacher to attempt to resolve the problem in an informal discussion. If, after meeting with your child's teacher, you feel that the issue remains unresolved, we ask that you make an appointment to meet with a member of the Senior Leadership Team. If you feel that the complaint is formal, we ask that you make an appointment with the Headteacher to discuss your concerns. Once a complaint has been received, we aim to resolve the matter promptly and ensure a suitable outcome.

If, for any reason, you feel that your complaint has been unfairly handled or an issue has not been resolved satisfactorily, then we would invite you to write to the Chair of the Governors, Allyson Woodhouse.

Further policies on our website:

Uniform Policy - can be found within our Uniform Page